2025 Career Launcher Fund
The RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers (CEAD) is excited to announce the 9th annual Career Launcher Fund for graduating students. Emerging artists and designers are invited to apply for a funding opportunity relating to career supports and skills building as they transition out of school. Proposed expenses can anything that would be important to advancing an individual’s career success and activities in one of the four funding pillars:
- Showcasing or distributing your work
- Skills development
- Access to networks
- Supporting your creative business
New for 2025 is the Brampton Arts Organization Prize which will award a total of $2,000 to one or more applicants with a connection to Brampton.
Proposed expenses must be specific, create a compelling case for support, and should be something important to advancing your career success. Special attention will be given to proposals that take into consideration the numerous privileges and access that end once you leave school, such as facilities, community, knowledge and skill acquisition, and mentorship.
A representative jury will select Fund recipients once all submissions have been reviewed.
- Professional development and skill-building (Courses, Classes and Workshop Fees; Apprenticeship).
*In partnership with the OCAD U RBC CEAD and the Career Launcher Fund, OCAD U School of Continuing Studies will be offering discount course offerings for the total cost of $350 with no tax, to match the maximum fund amount available for each selected applicant. In your application, indicate the course you wish to take with the webpage link. - Short-term rental fees (Studios and Facilities)
- Production expenses (Software, Professional Services)
- Membership or subscription fees (Associations and Organizations; Software; Facility Access and Equipment Loans)
- Submission fees (Awards, Residencies, Exhibitions and Publications)
- Ticket and attendance fees (Conferences, fairs, trade shows)
- Exhibition assistance (Production, Promotion, Documentation)
- + much more
- Travel costs
- Event and hospitality expenses (food, catering, drinks, etc)
- Accommodation or long-term studio rental costs
- Substantial equipment or tool purchases (rentals and purchasing minor tools are permitted)
- Proposals covered by other OCAD U funding programs like the OCAD U Commitment, emergency loans, Student Union Project Grants, etc.
For more information, please visit the archive section of our Career Launcher website to see past recipients and examples of successful applications (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)
All Undergraduate and Master's students graduating in 2025.
Please provide the following information in one PDF document:
- Current CV or Resume
- A one sentence summary of how you intend to use the fund
- Written proposal (max. 500 words) outlining the proposed use of funds and the significance of the opportunity to your practice and/or career.
- Include an itemized budget proposal outlining eligible expenses. Proposed expenses must be specific and could be up to $350 (minimum requested amount - $100). Be specific. Round to the nearest dollar.
- Portfolio link or PDF sample highlighting 3-5 works demonstrating the nature of your creative practice. Include a list of the works you are highlighting.
- Applicants are welcome to use this downloadable budget template for their application.
- The Career Launcher Fund does not support reimbursements for items already purchased.
- Successful applicants will not be asked to submit receipts.
- Applicants must make sure that currencies are proposed expenses are in CAD before submitting to jury. Please include cost in original currency and converted to CAD.
$100 - $350
Monday, April 7, 2025, 8:00 AM ET
Apply via Typeform here: https://ocadu-cead.typeform.com/to/ZxQeiTRB
The OCAD U RBC CEAD is committed to promoting substantive equality for equity-seeking groups that are under-represented in the creative sector. We encourage applications from first-time applicants to the program and graduates of equity-seeking communities including racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities / expressions. Applicants are welcome to advise the CEAD of any accommodations needed to ensure you have access to a fair and equitable process.
Applicants who need assistance with their submissions are invited to connect with the RBC CEAD for Advising support. Click here to learn more about how to book an advising appointment.
Applicants who have concerns about meeting a Career Launcher application deadline are invited to connect with the CEAD in order to discuss possible alternatives. We encourage all who might require assistance with the application process to reach out to determine available support. Outreach of this nature should be undertaken at least one week prior to the published application deadline.