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Parks Canada


One graduating Photography student will be employed at Canada’s first national urban park!

Closed – recipient announced!

Artscape Youngplace

Criticism & Curatorial Practice

An essay will be commissioned from a Criticism and Curatorial practice student to accompany an upcoming solo exhibition.

Closed – recipient announced!

401 Richmond Studio


The 401 Richmond Career Launcher is a fantastic opportunity will place 3-4 students in a rent-free, downtown studio space for 1 year.

Closed – recipients announced!


Artscape Youngplace


Participate in a group exhibition in the Hallway Galleries of Artscape Youngplace, with the chance to receive a solo show in 2017!

Closed – recipients announced!

Akin Collective

Material Art & Design

One Material Art and Design student will be awarded a generous period of free studio space at AKIN's inspiring shared workspacesin 2016-17.

Closed – recipient announced!

Artist Project

Sculpture & Installation

One Sculpture and Installation student will be commissioned to exhibit a performance piece at the Artist Project.

Closed – recipient announced!


Walnut Studios

Drawing & Painting

Exhibit in a group show at Walnut Contemporary, and get a chance to be the recipient of a free studio space at Walnut Studio's inspiring workspaces in 2016-17!

Closed – recipients announced!

Canadian Art

Integrated Media

Work with the editorial team at Canadian Art to produce video content over the course of a paid internship.

Closed – recipient announced!

The Station

Digital Futures

One graduating Digital Futures student will receive studio space in The Station!

Closed – recipient announced!


Queen West Art Crawl

Drawing & Painting

Exhibit and sell your work among 200 other creative professionals over the course of the annual Queen West Art Crawl in downtown Toronto.

Closed – recipients announced!


Material Art & Design

The Umbra Career Launcher offers a graduating Material Art and Design student the opportunity to work with Umbra for a summer paid internship!

Closed – recipient announced!


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