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Career Launcher: Union Station Holiday Market



OCAD U’s Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers is pleased to have partnered with the Toronto Market Co. to realize a Career Launcher opportunity for upper-year students from the Photography, Printmaking and Publications specializations.

The student-run booth was curated by Criticism & Curatorial Practice student Janine Arellano and was located in a designated retail space alongside 27 other vendors and partners. The booth, titled “Working It”, featured a great selection of prints, photo works, artist multiples and publications - all revenue going back to the student artists! A total of 8 current students and recent alum were hired to staff the booth during the course of its 3-week run.

As well, Publications student Tetyana Herych received a production honorarium from the Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers to produce a specially commissioned original artwork "The Arctic Sublime”, installed in the market tent.

The Arctic Sublime

As Canadians with rich multicultural diversity, we look at nature to define ourselves and relate to one another. The aurora borealis present an infinite sky, reminding us of our small influence on this earth. We look at it in awe as we share the shoat but impactful moments with our family and friends. The holidays are a sublime experience, invented to celebrate the act of living, and sharing with those we care about.

This Career Launcher opportunity allowed for many forms of exchange between Faculty of Art students and a diverse public in one of Canada's most highly-trafficked commuter spaces.

Visit for details of the week-long event.


Tetyana Herych 
2016 – OCAD University 

Partner Website

Union Station Holiday Market



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